Marion Giants E-Sports Team Members
Junior Varsity
Aiden Ruley
Junior Varsity
My name is Aidan Ruley. I wanted to join e-sports because I wanted to be on a team and play video games. I enjoy e-sports because I can play with friends and win a state championship. I enjoy playing Rocket League because it is a game that takes skill. It also is a game that involves soccer and cars to things I like. I encourage others to join e-sports!
Junior Varsity
Connor Mottweiler
Junior Varsity
I've always had a strong background in computers and videogames. I just came to Marion Schools in the middle of my freshman year. I chose e-sports because videogames have always been my passion. I play Rocket League for Marion. I've been playing Rocket League for six months, and I'm ranked platinum in 1v1s and 3v3s. I have plans after high-school to seek higher education and learn to create games for others to enjoy.
Junior Varsity
Trenton Bauer
Junior Varsity
Hi, I am Trenton Bauer. I was born in Marion, Indiana, and I have played video games my whole life. Currently, I have been playing rocket league for about 4-5 months. I am mainly a 1v1 and 2v2 player and try to play or practice every day for about an hour.
Junior Varsity
Landen Hammond
Junior Varsity
My name is landen Hammond and I’ve been playing game's my whole life and I knew from when I was little that I would never stop playing I started with Halo and then transferred to COD and I’ve been playing that since and I also play rocket league and smash bros that’s why I tried out for the teams and I made it so I’m going to try to become better and hopefully win state championship for both.
Landin Ashbrooke
My name is Landin Ashbrooke. I play Rocket League, and I am the Team Captain of the purple team. I chose to join the group because it's fun and a great community, and I love technology. I love the team aspect of the game and am looking forward to hopefully playing in college.
Brian Nearon
I was born in Venezuela in 2003. I was interested in video games at an early age when my dad bought a Nintendo 64 for all my brothers. When I turned 16, Due to the country's economic situation, I was forced to leave Venezuela and come to the United States. I became part of the rocket league team; I like the game's competition and improve at playing it every day
Malik Smith
I have been playing rocket league since 2016 but only recently been getting back into it. My technical skills are not the best on the team, but I think my defensive skill is on the best or par with the team's best. Rocket League is a game that connects with me since I play soccer in the real world, and funny enough, and I'm a goalkeeper in the real world. I think I make an addition to the team, maybe not as the upfront star, but as the shield that keeps us alive.
Payne Wright
My name is Derek “Payne” Wright. I am the Team Captain for the Marion Giants Rocket League Team. I am currently a sophomore and have been competing in Rocket League since my freshman year of high school. I am looking forward to another great season and winning another State Championship.
JD Fagan
I started playing Rocket League back in 2016, around the first or second season. I only played for fun amongst friends, but recently I’ve become fond of competitive play. I’ve gotten back into the groove and have increased my skill more than ever. I hope to bring a crucial part to the team.
Ryan Spitzer
I was born in Michigan and moved to Marion at a young age. I’ve been playing Rocket League since early 2020 and I have over 250 hours clocked into the game. I am ranked Platinum 1 in doubles, solos, and gold 2 in triples. I am always striving for improvement and since I am only a freshman, I hope for a good future here at Marion.
Alex Spitzer
Growing up I never liked “shooting games” and I favored platformers and other single-player games. I absolutely love the Rocket League community and I have tons of friends I have met in the game. I joined e-sports because of my love for Rocket League and my competitiveness. My goal this year is to win the Rocket League state championship.
Darren Rankins
Even though Super Smash Brothers isn’t technically a fighting game, for some time, I enjoyed it as one because of the experiences I had. Besides RPGs, my favorite game genre is traditional fighting games. The technical prowess that I get to exert always excites me. I’m always excited to learn, adapt, and grow as a player through new experiences.
Alexandria Nikolulis
Oi! My name is Alex, ‘Borzoink’, and I’m on the Marion Giant’s Smash Bros team where I play R.O.B, Robin, and Pikachu as my main 3 character go-to’s. Outside of Esports, I also enjoy all things art related (drawing, painting, super smash, etc.). I’ve enjoyed Esports at the school so far as it has let me meet a new crowd of people all while playing a favorite game of mine; I’m glad to have a part in it.
Nate Small
Nathaniel Small was born in Fort Wayne, Indiana, in 2005. He is the son of Randy and Kristie Small. Nate began playing video games when he was six years old. He started out playing Super Smash Bros for the Nintendo DS. He also acquired a WII, WIIU, and Nintendo Switch. Along with his gaming systems, he has amassed a vast collection of games. He is currently playing Super Smash Bros on the Marion Giants E-Sports team.
Cordell Wells
My name is Cordell Wells. My tag is THE GAMEBOY. I play R.O.B. and Banjo in Super Smash Bros Ultimate. I like hanging out with my friends, coding, and editing videos. I am confident in my teammates, and I am very proud to be on this team. I’ve beaten good players like Samsora and have won many tournaments, so I’m sure to be a challenge!
Trenton Southern
My name is Trenton southern, and what I like to do that is fun for me is playing the Super Smash Bros Ultimate game. My first game is Mario galaxy; that’s when I played many other kinds of video games and became more competitive at online games such as Rocket League.
Joseph Cheung
Hello, my name is Joseph Cheung. But, online, I go by the tag Fantasy. Currently, I am on the Smash Bros. team here at the high school. I have played in several big smash tournaments, with some of my best placements being 65th out of 180 in Straight Outta Smashville and 17th out of 166 in SHADIC’s Kamui Battles. I hope this season goes as well as the last one!
Connor Dyer
My name is Connor Dyer, and I am a player for Marion Giant E-Sports Smash Brothers Team. I played games throughout my whole life and found that I wanted a bit more than just fun. I wanted some competition. I am proud to say that Marion Giant E-Sports has helped me get what I want from games, and I know I want to keep playing for a long time.
Jackson Emert
Hi! My name is Jackson Emert. I play a lot of games. I may not be the best at them, but I always try to get better and improve upon my mistakes. What matters is that I play my best with my team, and we have fun.
Ana Torres
My name is Ana Torres, and I play video games like Pokémon, Fortnite, RPG games, Free roam games, Smash Bros, Street Fighter, etc. I am very passionate about gaming, and gaming has been a part of my life ever since I could remember. I am very proud to play in e-sports and to be a part of a team where people can play with their passion as I do.
Landen Hammond
My name is Landen Hammond, and I've been playing games my whole life. I knew from when I was little that I would never stop playing I started with Halo and then transferred to COD. I've been playing that since, and I also play rocket league and smash bros; that's why I tried out for the team, and I made it, so I'm going to try to become better and hopefully win the State Championship for both.